Malpas Ring (9.65 miles 15.43 km ) Print

This ride has now become possible with the upgrading of several footpaths to bridleway status to provide a linking circuit of approximately 9 miles.

Download:    Malpas Ring.gpx   Malpas Ring Waypoints.gpx

MALx03 Start
Starting from the lay-by on Chorlton Lane follow the road ion an Easterly direction and proceed to the waymarked bridleway.

MALw01 Waypoint 1
Turn left on to the bridleway and past the farmhouse and follow the farm track passing through several gates and a bridlegate to a timber bridge. See WP 2 for an alternative route.
MALw02 Waypoint 2
Avoiding the narrow bridge turn West, taking the first turn right past a green and cream house on the corner. Shortly you will see a grassy track to the right. Follow this around through a bridlegate into a field. You will see a gap in the hedge. Bear slightly left and then right along the hedge. This will come to the far side of the narrow timber bridge and avoids the necessity to cross this.
MALw03 Waypoint 3
After the bridge, follow the grassy track between the hedgerows to the end and turn right near Meadow Farm on to an unclassified road.
MALw04 Waypoint 4
Unclassified Road
Proceed for approx. 3/4 of a mile passing a farm on the left, and take the first road to the right.
MALw05 Waypoint 5
Follow this for about 1/2 a mile to Scar Farm where the road turns sharply to the left.Carry straight on up the track to a woodland known as Overton Scar.
MALw06 Waypoint 6
The track bears to the right and continues past the rock faces descending past the site of a disused quarry. Continue past Overton Hall Farm on the left and through the farm gates.
MALw07 Waypoint 7
Carry on up the lane and go through a bridlegate to the right of a farm gate onto a track for 1/4 mile.
MALw08 Waypoint 8
Turn right along a metalled road for approx. 1/4 mile. You pass Overton Heath Common on the right and then turn right next to a white cottage to proceed along a byway waymarked to Cuddington Heath.
MALw09 Waypoint 9
This track has been extensively drained and improved in the last few years. Follow the track through a couple of farm gates and over a timber foot bridge.
MALw10 Waypoint 10
At the main road turn right and shortly take a left turn at Bradleys before the post box.Proceed along the road until you reach a T-junction with a give way sign. Turn right on to the B5069 Wrexham Road and after 1/4 mile turn left signposted towards Oldcastle.
MALw11 Waypoint 11
Follow the road for 1/2 a mile to the cross roads and turn right. Carry on along the lane to another cross roads and turn right adjacent to an unusual timber bungalow.
MALw12 Waypoint 12
After 1/2 mile turn left along a minor road called Dog Lane for approx. 1/4 mile.. Where the lane veers to the left, turn right onto the bridleway, known locally as "The Racecourse". It is waymarked by a small sign to your right.
MALw13 Waypoint 13
Follow this grassy track between the hedgelines and have a good Gallop!
MALw14 Waypoint 14
Turn right on to the road and immediately left past Crabtree Farm towards Cuddington Heath.
MALw15 Waypoint 15
At the T-junction turn left onto the B5069 Wrexham Road take care turning right on the approach to a bend. Follow the road keeping right past a grassy road island and the green and cream house. You will shortly see the lay-by starting point on your right.